Select your Project
Help us give you our best!

Below you will find services to choose from to answer a simple questionnaire which is the first stage project development at Addmark Group. It is meant to help us gather information for your quote and for further development process.

Please try to give accurate, thoughtful, detailed replies to the questions given below. Your reply will help us understand your business, your customers, your story as well as your taste and personal preferences. Most importantly, your replies will help us formulate the goals your new logo and identity package will be required to achieve.

Please answer these questions to the best of your ability. If a question isn’t relevant or you don’t know the answer, just leave it blank and we can discuss if needed.

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    Masterfully Handcrafted for Awesomeness



    Greatives – Design, Marketing, Sales

    Working Hours : 09:00 – 19:00
    Address : 44 Oxford Street, London, UK 22004
    Phone : +380 22 333 555